Would you know if your dog was depressed? While dogs experience different emotions than we do, dogs can struggle with mental health just like us. Some triggers of doggy depression are obvious, like losing an important human or experiencing a major life change, like moving. Others are more subtle, but they can still lead to a downhearted dog.

Dogs only have around 10-15 years to share with us. Make the most of every moment by looking out for common warning signs and following these tips to help your dog live their best life. 

Learn How to Recognize a Dog in Distress

The first step to addressing dog mental health is to know how to tell if something's amiss. Signs that your pet may be feeling down include: 

  • Becoming withdrawn
  • Becoming less active
  • Changes in sleeping and eating habits
  • Disinterest in activities they usually enjoy

These issues can also be a sign of medical problems, however. If changes in behavior or mood last more than a couple of days, schedule a vet visit to rule out physical health issues. 

Consider Your Dog's Genetic Programming

Every dog breed was designed to perform certain tasks. While some breeds, like the Maltese and Pekingese, were bred to be companion animals, many were bred to hunt, retrieve game or herd. Consider huskies. In addition to companionship, they were bred to pull sleds for miles.

If an active working breed is kept in an apartment and rarely given exercise, they're likely to start showing signs of stress. This could come in the form of depression, but it's more likely for your pet to develop destructive habits out of boredom and lack of mental stimulation. Make sure the needs of your dog's breed are being met — their mental health will automatically rise.

Make Exercise a Priority

No matter your dog's breed or size, exercise is important to keep them feeling healthy and happy. The benefits of physical activity are similar for both dogs and people. Going for a run, playing fetch or participating in agility training can alleviate stress and anxiety. Additionally, exercise burns off energy, preventing unwanted behavior that's likely to inspire a scolding. Since dogs love to make their owners happy, if you're happy, they will be too.

Staying active can also help your dog maintain a healthy weight, and feeling physically healthy will boost their emotional wellness too. 

For more tips on supporting your dog's mental wellness, check out Always Pets.

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