New Year’s resolutions have been made and the hard work is just beginning. But how long does it take to truly get back in shape?

The answer is that it depends on multiple factors.


How long does it take to get back in shape after a week off?

Since everyone is coming from very different circumstances to this question it really depends on where the person was a week ago before they stopped training.

Very Well Fit reported that some of the many factors that play a part are how much did the person work out before, what types of workouts were being used, how much time has passed and what are the goals going forward.

For those wanting to get back into shape after a week off, on average it typically takes about two to four weeks according to Live Strong.

“A motor unit is like a spark plug in a muscle,” Pete McCall, American Council on Exercise-certified personal trainer, said. “When a motor unit is contracted, it causes the muscle fibers to contract.”

It is recommended that people should take a few days off from exercising every six to eight weeks as the body needs to repair and strengthen the muscles between workouts according to the American Council on Exercise.


How long does it take to get back in shape after a month off?

In research done by pro bodybuilder Jeff Nippard, the typical timeframe for getting muscle back is that it takes half of the time the person took off.

If you took a month break from lifting it would take two weeks of consistency in time and intensity of workouts to build back that muscle lost in a month break.

“For someone starting out, I notice that within two weeks they can start feeling the benefits of exercise,” Jamie Logie, personal trainer and head of Wellness Regained, said.

The Manual reported that with “discipline and a realistic assessment of where you are and where you want to go” it is possible to get in shape within a month after taking a break from working out.


How do you get back in shape?

When getting back into shape, many want to quickly achieve their results but it is important to take little steps at a time.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, Brandee Waite, UC Davis professor of sports medicine, said, “People are at an increased risk for injury if they go back to the level of activity they were doing before the pandemic.”

Shape reported that in order to get back into shape, people should:

  1. Start with mobility and flexibility workouts like yoga and other stretching workouts to avoid injuries and increase range of motion.
  2. Then add in light cardio workouts such as walking, light jogging, biking or indoor machines like the elliptical.
  3. Finally, strength training can begin to better posture and strengthen muscles.

University of Wisconsin researchers found in their study that after six weeks of working out, most people do not see a difference in their appearance.

“If you have been out of shape, or not working out for 10 years — or forever — it will generally take about two months of working out most days of the week to get to a moderate level,” Nikki Glor, creator of NikkiFitness, said.

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